quality assurance

To Provide The Highest Quality

Quality Assurance And Control Plan

B-Engineering is an organization successful in placing very high priority on the achievement of quality. In order to provide the highest quality products and services, all employees in the organization must adhere to procedures and standards.
B-Engineering Quality Assurance is a process used to monitor and evaluate the adherence to procedures, and standards to determine potential product and service quality. It involves reviewing and auditing the products and activities to verify that they comply with the applicable procedures and standards, and assuring the appropriate visibility for the results of the reviews and audits.

The purpose of B Engineering Quality Assurance Plan - is to function as a guide to facilitate the establishment of Quality Assurance activities within the procedures used to deliver products and services in support of the activities performed by the team for the project needs. This provides a planned systematic method to provide confidence that B Engineering products and services are developed and delivered according to established processes is of the highest quality. It defines the policy for QA activities, the organizational structure of the QA group, its responsibilities and identifies necessary reviews and audits.